Sometimes I write about interesting topics in design and explore current trends and research.

Figma Tools for Developers in 2024​


Blog Article

In the past years, Figma has rapidly secured its position as the new industry standard tool for collaborative, iterative UX/UI design. More recently, Figma has begun to introduce features that bring design and development closer together through streamlined interaction, feedback, and documentation. According to Figma, more developers than designers currently have active accounts with paid plans. This shows that Figma, despite primarily being a design tool, is also extensively used by developers.

Cross-Cultural UX: The Differences in Eastern and Western Design Perspectives


Blog Article

Rolling out a mobile application on the international market will inevitably bring up the question of localization. At first, the solution may seem simple, maybe even obvious. Offering local language translations must be enough, right? It may even seem tempting (not to mention cost-efficient) to use machine translation—AI is getting so reliable these days, after all. However, this approach is likely to fail, especially in global markets that do not subscribe to Western cultures and philosophies. These values are ingrained into user experience design more deeply than it may seem at first glance.

Design Approaches to Digital Wellbeing Interventions for Mindful Social Media Use


Research Article

This paper discusses growing concerns about excessive use of digital media, particularly social media, and provides a comprehensive overview of innovative design approaches for digital interventions. These interventions aim to address the challenges posed by compulsive phone use, which can be aggravated by dark patterns in user experience design. Four main intervention approaches—external, redesigns, implicit and nudging—are examined, along with their effectiveness and limitations. The results indicate the need to go beyond external interventions and standard practices.